A pipeline for the analysis of CRISPR edited data. It allows the evaluation of the quality of gene editing experiments using targeted next generation sequencing (NGS) data (targeted
) as well as the discovery of important genes from knock-out or activation CRISPR-Cas9 screens using CRISPR pooled DNA (screening
Version history
v2.3.0 - Lime Nightingale - [08.11.2024]
- Add module to classify samples by clonality (#178)
- Add DrugZ, a module for chemogenetic interaction (#168)
- Add Hitselection, a module for subsetting more likely true positives for KO screen based on the protein protein interaction (#191)
- Make the use of gene essentiality module more user friendly and readable in the code (#194)
- Fix cutadapt 3’ and 5’ no such variable found bug (#187)
- Fix design matrix bug that introduced dots instead of a hyphen (#190)
- Make output of FluteMLE optional as when some pathways produce bugs some channels are then empty (#190)
- Fix a typo in crisprcleanr/normalize, when a user inputs a file (#192)
- Add Singularity and Docker tests in the CI, also fix any issues users had when running MAGeCKFlute with Docker or Singularity. (#214)
- Run pipeline tests with docker, singularity and conda on CI (#185)
Fixed 🧰
- Fix singularity image pull tag for MAGeCKFlute (
- Escape dollar signs in containerOptions (
- Fix error in R script when adding patterns (
- Skip MAGeCKFlute when the function produces an error within the R package (
Highlights 🌟
This release adds FluteMLE for any MAGeCK MLE output as a visualisation and quality control. The users can now define their contrasts through a list which leads to MAGeCK MLE and BAGEL2 to be automatically run. Venn Diagrams also show the intersection between MAGeCK MLE and BAGEL2 when both tools are run. For the targeted analysis, several bugs have been fixed such as cutadapt on mixed paired- and single- end reads.
Added ➕
- Template update to 2.11.1 (#105)
- Added a csv input option for crisprcleanr (#105)
- Added a contrasts parameter so the pipeline automatically creates design matrices and MAGeCK MLE (#109)
- Added bowtie2 and three prime and five prime adapter trimming (#103 and #123)
- Added
for MLE data #126 - Template update to 2.13.1 (#124)
- Metromap added in the docs (#128)
- Added MAGeCK count table in the multiqc (#131)
- Added additional plots to Tower output (#130)
Fixed 🧰
v2.1.1 - Jamon Salas - patch - [14.12.2023]
- Update all modules to the last version in nf-core/modules (#92)
- Added cutadapt for screening analysis (#95)
- Fixed paired-end for screening analysis (#94)
v2.1.0 - Jamon Salas - [14.11.2023]
Highlights 🌟
This release includes new and improved documentation and reporting as well as a new analysis module for CRISPR/Cas9 screening : BAGEL2. The screening pipeline also now supports paired-end data.
Added ➕
- BAGEL2 modules which detect gene essentiality (#60)
- nf-validation
- New plots in the MultiQC for targeted screening (cutadapt module, read processing, edition, edition QC) (#74)
Fixed 🧰
- Change to
for the mageck mle module (#60) - Fix paired-end samplesheet file for screening (#60)
- Summary processes don’t modify the input file anymore, allowing resuming these processes (#66)
- Do not stash unexistent files, use empty lists instead. Fixes AWS tests (#67)
- Rename process
to improve clarity (#69) - Fix modules
after module update, new versions accept a meta map (#76) - Update targeted metromap (#78)
v2.0.0 - Paprika Lovelace - [05.07.2023]
Highlights 🌟
This release includes a whole new analysis type : functional genomics screenings (activation, interference or knock outs screens). For CRISPR-targeting, UMIs clustering is now supported.
The usage of the pipeline now includes the flag --analysis
<screening,targeted> to allow the user to indicate which analysis they would like to run.
Added ➕
- Crisprseq screening analysis : mageck mle, mageck rra, mageck count and crisprcleanr-normalize (#22)
- Add new parameter
to select analysis type (screening/targeted) (#27) - Tests to run screening analysis (#926)
- Metro map for targeted analysis (#35)
- Add new parameters
(#45) - Add UMI clustering to crisprseq-targeted (#24)
- Template update v2.8 (#21)
Fixed 🧰
Initial release of nf-core/crisprseq, created with the nf-core template.